Dear Parent / Carer,
Welcome to this weeks Rector’s Log. I trust you and your family are doing well…
The week that’s been…
This week has passed by very quickly and I am in disbelief that it’s the end of the second week of term.
On Tuesday, we welcomed all our prospective S1s to Kirkcaldy High School for our ‘Ready, Steady, KHS’ day. Half of the P7s attended in the morning with the other half in the afternoon. Young people gained a glimpse into life in KHS through learning about our school, school vision and values and our school motto. They took part in a range of activities. This was led and supported by our Guidance team across the day. Thank you to Mrs Gibb and the Guidance team for leading this and to all of the P7s involved and supported by there teachers and support staff!
On Wednesday we had the S2 Parent / Carer evening. This was well attended and provided opportunities for families to discuss the learning of their child and plan to support moving forward. An important evening with upcoming option choices.
Over the past 2 days, we have had some partnership work in Home Economics with young people experiencing some pheasant fun! Some of our classes and learners got the opportunity to work with a skilled butcher to learn how to pluck and prepare pheasants for eating. They then made dishes with their new ingredient. Well done to all who braved the experience and to Ms Akers and the faculty for arranging and supporting this experience.
Yesterday, our community Police Officer, PC Battrick and a colleague started our programme to help improve road safety around Kirkcaldy High School, as outlined in my end of term letter. They were monitoring the speed of vehicles on Dunnikier Way and providing corrective actions, where necessary. A huge thank you to colleagues from Police Scotland for supporting this.
In addition, I would ask families to be careful when parking around the school, particularly at the end of the day. Cars are illegally parking on the road leading to the golf club making it difficult for other road users and unsafe for young people who are crossing to access family in the astro car park. I would ask you to please refrain from doing this.
As ever, you can read more about all the goings on in our blog.
A wee update from Ms Black and our Supported Learning department:
In SLD1 this week we have nipped on our imaginary plane and taken a school trip…virtually! We have been learning across the curriculum set within the context of a trip to Disney and have opportunities to explore this further through play-based learning. We have also had a big focus on our money skills from identifying coins and notes, addition and calculating change or looking at budgeting for meals, events and households.
In SLD2 Noah shared that in science he was working with a metal ball and electricity, and it made his hair go up because the electrons were trying to get away from each other. In SLD4 and 5 they have been learning about special events in different cultures that are happening at this time of year. How these are celebrated in Scotland around the world and looking at similarities and differences between cultural events.
Finally, one of our seniors Seanine has started on her Forest School qualification this week with our partners from the Ecology Centre in Kinghorn. Showing great independence and confidence, she joined learners from across our school and from St Andrews HS. Seanine you are such a great learner and ambassador for the department.
House Point totals for the week and session so far are as below:
This weeks total:
Adam Smith – 55
Carlyle – 53
Oswald – 7
Overall total:
Adam Smith – 2210
Carlyle – 2327
Oswald – 2254
Well done to all!
Finally, please find a letter asking for your support with ensuring learners attend school with appropriate uniform (including our current policy).
The week ahead…
Next week, our S5/6 learners will undertake formal assessments. A timetable and information has already been shared with families. We wish all young people the very best in these assessments.
On Wednesday, we will be undertaking our primary road show with Mrs Gibb, Mr Broadway and Laura Frew (Chair of Parent Council) attending each of cluster primaries (next week is Valley and Fair Isle). We will be meeting with P7 families and learners to give a flavour of what KHS is all about and answer any questions that they may have.
Some other dates for diaries include:
Parent / Carer Council will take place on Tuesday 28th January 2025, online, at 6.30pm. Please contact us if you wish to add any items to the agenda.
Our FoKHS Ceilidh will take place on Friday 7th March 2025. Please see the flyer for more info about the event and for tickets.
I hope that you have an enjoyable weekend when it comes.
Best wishes,
Chris McKay
17 January 2025