Hot Meal: Soup of the day, Breaded fish or Salmon fish fingers and chips or Vegetable stir fry with noodles.
Christmas Pantomime Trip 2023 (Miss Kelsey)
Can all S1s who have handed in their £12 and their consent letter for the Christmas Pantomime please come to the dinner hall immediately after tutor. There a register will be taken, and we will be getting on the bus at 9:30am. Please bring any lunch/snacks that you plan to eat at the theatre.
Christmas Concert (Mrs Duckett)
Please could all vocal soloists be excused from lessons and meet Mrs Duckett in the hall P6 and P7.
S4-S6 Modern Studies Assessments (Miss Young)
Anyone who has missed their assessment this week can come to the session today at 1:45pm for a chance to catch up on these, but they need to check with their teachers first if they do not have a study period.
S6 URGENT (Miss Lipton)
Reminder to submit your yearbook information ASAP & pay the next instalment to the balance – full payment of £20 due for February.
Brass Lessons (Mr Letham)
Lessons are on today in the Music department.
Woodwind Lessons (Ms Kelso)
Lessons are on today in the Music department.
Wind Band (Mrs Duckett)
Wind band will run today at lunchtime in the Music department.
Have Lunch with a Hero! (Classics Film Club)
By popular request – it’s the hero Hercules (again!) See Mrs Brown for a pass and bring your lunch to C11 if you’d like to watch this Disney classic at lunch on Friday.

KHS Radio Show on K107FM (Dr Murray)
We present a weekly show on Kirkcaldy’s radio station, K107FM every Saturday morning. You could be involved, even if you’re never available on a Saturday! We meet every Friday in A4 (Dr Murray’s room in Science) to plan the show. Come along and bring your lunch! See Dr M for a lunch/building pass.
KHS D&D (Dungeons and Dragons) Group (Dr Murray/Miss Collins)
The KHS D&D Group meets in D2 (Home Ec) every Friday after school. Take part in exciting adventures and storytelling. It’s all up to the fate of the dice!
Hot Meal: Soup of the day, Macaroni cheese with garlic bread or Chicken fried rice with curry sauce.
Percussion Lessons (Mr Christie)
Lessons are on today in the Music department.
Chess Club (Dr Black)
Chess club runs Monday lunchtimes in A6, 1:10-1:40pm. Beginners to Grand masters welcome. Collect a lunchtime pass from Dr Black if you would like to come along.
Anime and Manga Club (Miss Kelsey)
Anybody interesting in watching, drawing, and/or reading anime and manga, can now attend the anime and manga club every Monday lunchtime in B29.
Basketball & Badminton Club (Mr Harrower)
Basketball and Badminton clubs will start on Monday afterschool in the games hall from 3:15-4:15pm. All pupils in S1-S6 welcome.
S6 Yearbook (Miss Lipton)
The Yearbook Committee will meet Monday’s after school in D9 from 3:15pm.