Kirkcaldy High School

Respect for Self, Others, and Learning

Kirkcaldy Mosque Trip

The Higher RMPS (Religious, Moral, and Philosophical Studies) class last Thursday went to visit the Kirkcaldy Central Mosque. We were welcomed by Mansoor who took us on a tour of the mosque and spoke us through the features of the mosque allowing us to put our learning in class into context. The pupils who attended really enjoyed the trip and got a lot out of it – asking some very thoughtful questions. We would like to thank the mosque for hosting us and providing the pupils with generous hospitality. We are very excited to host Mansoor in the school when it comes to our assignments and look forward to visiting the new building when it opens in Summer 2024!

Higher RMPS (Religious, Moral, and Philosophical Studies) Mosque Trip

Higher RMPS (Religious, Moral, and Philosophical Studies) Mosque Trip

Higher RMPS (Religious, Moral, and Philosophical Studies) Mosque Trip

Higher RMPS (Religious, Moral, and Philosophical Studies) Mosque Trip

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