Kirkcaldy High School

Respect for Self, Others, and Learning

Rector’s Log 12/5/17

Dear Parent/Carer

I hope that you are well and have made the most of this fine weather … until today! Welcome to the weekly KHS update.

Last week, I mentioned that our Go4SET Science team of S2 girls were in competition at Fife College. I am delighted to say that they won a lovely trophy and special award … for best teamwork. Very well done to Marina Chipalu, Emma Francis, Tammy Higgins, Katie Laverton, Rachel Lawson and Emma MacDonald, and many thanks to Brand-Rex Ltd of Glenrothes for their excellent support.

This week’s SQA exams were Chemistry on Monday, History on Tuesday, Graphic Communication on Wednesday and English yesterday and today. I have been asked by Mr Marshall (Chief Invigilator) to pass on his thanks. Our young people have been on time, well prepared and impeccably well behaved throughout. Next week’s exams are; French on Monday, Business Management and Computing Science on Tuesday, Physics on Wednesday, Classical Studies on Thursday and Modern Studies on Friday. Best of luck to all our candidates … remember the “masterclass” on the day prior to each exam.

Very well done and commiserations to Morgan Faulds and Cara Hayes (S2) who narrowly lost out, on a split decision, to Robert Gordon’s College of Aberdeen in the National Semi-Final of the Scottish Public Speaking Championships, organised by the Crown Office Procurator Fiscal Service and held at Dundee Sheriff Court on Monday past. The girls are an absolute credit to KHS and did us all proud. They spoke with passion about the right to protest and it was undoubtedly very difficult for the judges … as I say, it was a split decision

Also this week it was great to welcome the P7 pupils who will be joining us as new S1 from August when we hosted our “STEP UP” Enterprise Competition on Tuesday and Wednesday, supported by Matt Stewart of “Entrepreneurme”. It was terrific, with “growth mindset” and positive thinking at the heart of it.

This week ends today with another primary liaison event … our P7 Sports Day, with competing teams from Capshard, Fair Isle, Torbain and Valley. As I mentioned, we have accepted a large number of placing requests over the past couple of weeks and have written to those concerned. Any family interested in an enrolment from August should be in touch right away as the Guidance Team is currently putting together the new class lists and we have limited spaces available.

Next week we’ll be having a vaccination catch up session for those who were absent when the visiting NHS team administered HPV, polio and diphtheria jags recently.

It will also be our S1-3 Health Week with a big focus on physical activity and mental health.  We have S3 on Tuesday, S2 on Wednesday and S1 on Thursday and the format for each day is:

Periods 1 and 2 – Outside agencies delivering various sessions e.g. dance (with Love2Dance), karate (with JKS), Australian Rules Football (with Kingdom Kangaroos), football (with Raith Rovers), rugby (with Kirkcaldy Rugby Club), floorball (with Fife Floorball Club), tennis (with Kirkcaldy Tennis Club), handball (with Fife Handball Club), boxercise (with The Edge Gym), and gymnastics (with Kirkcaldy Gymnastics Club)

Period 3 – Special lesson on Mental Health

Periods 4 and 5 – Inter-house activities, including a “cook off” (within PE and HE department, by sign up only).

Pupil are permitted to travel to school in PE kit on the day they are involved, but must bring uniform in their bag for later in the day.

On Tuesday evening we have a Parent Council meeting at 6pm. New members are always welcome, or please come along if there is an issue you wish to raise. If you would like to speak to Chairman Derek Dunsire, please contact the school office. We warmly welcome your involvement in the running of the school. One of the main issues next will be our plans for the “Pupil Equity Fund”, which is the direct additional funding from the Scottish Government. This will be used to support families affected by poverty. You will note that for our forthcoming Activities Day there will be no charge for young people who qualify for free school meals.

Activities Day takes place next Friday (19 May) and we have a good range of trips; trampolining, snowboarding and ski-ing, crazy golf, white water rafting, bowling, M and D’s Theme Park near Motherwell and Blair Drummond Safari Park. Please call if you have any questions.

Looking ahead, I am honoured to have been asked to be one of the “keynote” speakers at the Stonewall National Education Conference in Glasgow on Wednesday May 24. I’m very proud to be associated with a school which is regarded as one of the leaders when it comes to LGBT equality and tackling homophobia. I must say that I’m always impressed by the open mindedness of our young people. It seems to me that acceptance of diversity is becoming the norm … if that doesn’t sound too paradoxical!

KHS is a school where young people get to be themselves; gay, straight or whatever. As Guidance Teacher Mr Farquharson put it so eloquently at a recent assembly, they are not just accepted, they are celebrated. However, we’ll always challenge our young people to be the very best version of themselves.

I must also thank Mrs Pirie (Guidance and Science) and Dr Murray (Science) for the excellent support they give to our LGBT+ Group. The group is currently planning our participation in the “Fife Pride” event which takes place in Kirkcaldy on 1 July.

Next week’s hot dish menu is; Monday: Butter chicken tikka masala with rice and vegetables. Tuesday: Grilled sausage/burger (veggie/beef/chicken) with chips and baked beans. Wednesday: Roast chicken and gravy with potatoes and vegetables. Thursday: Savoury mince cobbler with potatoes and vegetables. Friday: Breaded Fish/sausage roll with chips and peas. We also have our pasta, sandwich, soup and salad options too.  Do remember that a cup of home-made soup is available free to all young people at lunchtime.

I attach our “employability” bulletin. As always, we are at your service. Please get in touch with any questions or difficulties.

Fond regards

Derek Allan


12 May 2017

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