Welcome to our school website!

 Kingsbarns Primary School is the oldest surviving primary school in Fife. Built in 1822, it serves the East Neuk village of Kingsbarns and it’s environs.  It seeks to deliver a broad and inclusive education within a nurturing, supportive environment.

Kingsbarns Primary encourages children to aspire, achieve and                enjoy: to be the best that they can be. Each and every child         brings his or her own, unique qualities to our community; we                               prepare pupils for a life of learning and fulfilment:  to be           active, responsible, compassionate  citizens.

Our School Vision: ‘Kingsbarns Primary School – Where Learning is an  Adventure’!

Our School Values: Kindness, Respect, Perseverance, Inclusion


To provide a safe, stimulating and supportive school environment where pupils feel respected and valued, inspired and challenged.

To establish and maintain a vibrant school community built on       mutual trust and respect.

To foster a love of learning, encouraging intellectual curiosity and    independent thought.

To develop personal resilience, confidence and integrity.

To provide a stimulating indoor and outdoor environment where pupils can explore and develop their interests and talents – perhaps discovering some they didn’t even know existed!