Home Learning

Home Learning

To encourage and make the most of every learning opportunity it is Kinghorn Primary School’s policy to encourage active learning challenges wherever possible. We use many processes for sharing school learning with our families and encouraging learning across all curricular areas.

Each term we will send home our learning targets via Seesaw, these give more specific details about aspects of Literacy, Numeracy, Health and Wellbeing or other curricular areas which will be studied during the term ahead. These give parents and carers a starting point for discussion about what is happening in class and areas you may wish to practise and extend with your child.
We ask pupils to add a personal target that they choose (with your help and support) – something they feel is achievable and meaningful to them that they can work towards over the term and ‘post’ on Seesaw to share their efforts and achievements. All information around how to access Seesaw has been shared previously but if you or your child has any issues gaining access, please contact us.

Each week teachers will set a Reading home learning task – this may be to read their reading book (all or part of it at home), to practise words, complete comprehension questions, participate in an activity/game/challenge linked to reading – this will be indicated in your child’s Reading Record weekly by their teacher.

Tasks across other curricular areas can be sent via Seesaw to meet the needs of our classes, groups or individuals.

Further information and suggested websites for use at home can be found here: Home Learning Leaflet Feb 2024