Area 9

Welcome to Area 9 with Primary 7S and Miss Swanson

Term 3

In literacy we have been working on report writing skills and have written reports about Robert Burns for Scottish month, about our favourite animal, The Skeleton for our human body topic and also about Alexander Fleming when looking at Scottish Inventors. We are beginning our learning on procedural and explanation writing this month. We will continue to study different spelling patterns and have spelling tests on Fridays. We will continue to have reading comprehension linked to our Novel “Can you see me?” using the VIPERS discussion guides. We are due to present our second solo talks at the end of March based on our JASS My Interests topic.

In numeracy we have been learning about our 4 operations – Addition, Subtraction, Multiplication and Division. We have also been studying Shape, Time and a little bit of Algebra. We continue to practise our quick fire recall skills for times tables during Beat Maths Beat That, Maths Minute, Maths Bot and Daily 10 as part of our mental maths each numeracy session. We will soon be moving on to fractions, decimals and percentages. Hopefully our previous learning will help us apply knowledge to these topics.

Fourth and Fritcher: Long Division Strategies

In Health and Wellbeing we have been doing PE and Emergency situations. In PE we have been working on fitness and trying to improve our skill and stamina. Our first aid learning has allowed us to link to our new Human Body topic and we have made connections between the way blood works to help us keep someone safe if they were to get a cut.

Emergency First Aid at work - Level 1 - Security Training CourseThe BowFlex Summer Circuit Workout | BowFlex

In IDL we are studying The Human Body and will be going to the Surgeons’ Hall Museum for our school trip this year. We are looking forward to seeing real life preserved body parts and learning about how surgery took place thousands of years ago.Surgeons' Hall Museums, Edinburgh


Term 1 and 2

In Primary 7 we are privileged and proud to have more responsibilities in school. We are lucky enough to wear our own school tie and leavers hoodie. It is up to us to be positive role models for the younger children in Kinghorn Primary School. Throughout the year we will be working towards our JASS award in school and at home. In September we will be going to Ardroy as part of the P7 residential trip. All updates during the course of the academic year will be sent on Seesaw.

Ardroy OEC - YouTube

This term we will be learning all about World War 2. We are looking forward to learning about the lives of soldiers, how the war began and the impact of war on the lives of civilians. We will be studying WW2 until Christmas.

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In Numeracy we will be learning about Place Value. We will be identifying numbers to 1 million and practising the 4 operations: Addition, Subtraction, Multiplication and Division. We will also continue to work on our times tables as we know how important these are in many aspects of numeracy!

In Literacy we will be focusing descriptive writing and imaginative writing. We will be writing character and setting descriptions and trying to up level our vocabulary as we do this. We will continue to work on spelling patterns and will begin reading groups.

In Health and Wellbeing, we will be learning about Food and Health. We will be focusing on games in P.E, basketball in particular.

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