Area 1

Welcome to Area 1 with Primary 1T and Mrs Turner 


We have P.E on Wednesdays and Fridays.

Term 3:

Our IDL topic is Toys and we have been looking at magnets and forces that make our toys move and work. We enjoyed testing springs and making Jack in the Box toys.

We have made lots of toys by reusing and recycling materials to help look after our planet. We made drums, kites skittles and even our own construction toys.

We also looked at the history of toys comparing our toys with those in the past.


We have been writing reports and instructions looking at different ways to share information in diagrams and illustrations too. We enjoyed an author visit and even wrote our own books about a Teddy Bear. We continue to increase our reading vocabulary and are practising reading with expression. Everyone made an excellent job of learning their Scottish Poem and performing it in school.


This term, we have been adding and subtracting and applying these skills to work with money too! We have been working on identifying coins and making amounts with money. We have had lots of fun practising these skills in our toy shop in our class.


Health and Wellbeing

We were working on Scottish Country Dancing early in the term and are enjoying a variety of ways to improve our fitness. We are also learning about keeping ourselves safe and managing risk. Lots of stories from our Toys topic have prompted discussion about loss and change and how we deal with this.

Term 1:

We have been very busy settling into school and learning our sounds. Already we can use the sounds we know to read and write some little words. We have been counting forwards and backwards and playing lots of games to help us with this.  Everyone has been working on forming numbers, enjoying practising this in many different ways. We are also identifying 2D and 3D shapes in our environment.

Our topic for this term is Dragon Adventures. We received some letters from a friendly dragon asking us too rebuild Fairyland. We have enjoyed lots of different Fairy Tales. This has led us to grow our own beanstalk, build our own castle and create home for the Three Little Pigs.

We have also been out and about in the community, visiting the library to become members. Then to the Ecology Centre to harvest vegetables from the school allotment. We used these to make some delicious soup.

We have been thinking about our feelings in Health and Wellbeing, using the Emotion Works cog to name our emotions and recognise these emotions in others. This links with our RME work on Happy and Sad.

Mrs Gillespie teaches us French each week and we are able to greet each other in French and are learning vocabulary for colours and numbers.