Welcome to Area 6 with Primary 6, Miss Fenton and Miss MacDonald.
Our PE days are Monday and Thursday. Miss Lewis is in school on Thursday to deliver Violin and Viola tuition.
In literacy we have been focusing on personal writing, learning to describe emotions about events we have experienced. We are reading a book connected to our topic called Who Let the Gods Out? and so far we are really enjoying it. We are using the book Wonder to develop our comprehension skills with Miss MacDonald.
Numeracy and Maths
We have been developing our ability to apply our understanding of the four operations to word problems – some of which had multiple steps to work through. Fractions will be our next focus.
Health and Wellbeing
Our focus in health and wellbeing has been focused on the school values and on team work skills. In PE we have been focusing on Netball and the skills required to work effectively in a sports team.