Area 4

Welcome to Area 4 with Primary 3/4S, Mrs Hay and Miss Gilmour

Term 3


This term, in writing, we have been focusing on information reports and instructions. We learned lots of facts about the jobs that were common in ancient Egypt like pharaohs, scribes, priests and farmers. We then used this information to write amazing information reports. We also wrote an excellent set of instructions based on an experiment we did in class for mummifying a tomato. Mrs Hay took these instructions home and tried them out with her family who all managed successfully to mummify their own tomatoes!

Our writing target this term has been using a variety of openers at the beginning of a sentence. 4 weeks after we set ourselves this target, our writing is full of a range of openers and we even manage to earn an extra 10 minutes of break because everyone hit the target in one session.

In reading, we have been looking at book reviews, for this we have been practising summarising skills and informing our audience why someone might like to read a certain book.


Numeracy and Maths

Our focus this term in Numeracy has been subtraction. We have used a range of strategies to help us, including concrete materials, number squares and partitioning both with and without exchange. We practised these skills by playing games and using challenge questions.

In Maths, we have focused on length and volume. We especially enjoyed measuring in meters using trundle wheels. We have also been working on our money skills and hope to open a shop role play area to practise this further.

Measuring and weighing Clip Art

Health and Wellbeing

At the beginning of term, we spent time learning the Scottish Country Dance the Fairy Ring which we performed beautifully for the parents on the Scottish afternoon. Since then we have been we have focused on fitness and teamwork games. We especially enjoyed playing Capture the Flag.

In Health and Wellbeing, Mrs Gilfillan has been teaching all about keeping ourselves safe, both in the home and when we are out and about.

Children Kid Sport – MasterBundles, 57% OFF


The class has been really enjoying our ancient Egypt topic. We had the opportunity to visit the National Museum of Scotland in Edinburgh to see lots of artefacts from this time period. We also attended a special Egyptian themed workshop.

Ancient Egypt | History, Government, Culture, Map, & Facts | Britannica

Term 1 and 2

It has been a busy term with lots of learning. Everyone settled quickly into our new area and has been working hard. 

 In Literacy, we have been working hard on our recount writing skills. We have been learning about the important features of recount and the types of language to use. We have also been looking at different types of words (nouns, verbs and adjectives). We have then been trying to add these to our writing. For reading, we have been working on our comprehension skills. We have completed many reading passages on different subjects which has also allowed us to learn new facts. For spelling, we continue to learn our high frequency words. One way in which we do this, is through word bingo which we all very much enjoy! Eyes down in the bingo hall!  

Write pencil writing clip art free clipart images - WikiClipArt

 We have been revising and extending our knowledge of whole numbers. We are now able to count, write and sequence a range of numbers. In maths, we have been learning to tell the time on analogue and digital clocks. We have also been learning about creating and continuing patterns. 

Clipart Panda - Free Clipart Images

Our PE days are on a Monday and Friday. Please feel free to pop PE kit into a bag and leave it on your peg in the cloakroom. This term we have been focusing on invasion games and using these skills in Football. We have enjoyed discussing friendships and what makes a good friend. 

Clip Art: Soccer Ball | Soccer ball, Soccer, Ball

On a Thursday we are taking part in Outdoor Learning, please remember to bring Outdoor Learning clothes. We are now working towards completing our Bronze Natural Connections award. The class have been exploring the Wildlife Garden and thinking about how to keep themselves safe when exploring. 

The EYFS Outdoors: 38 Outdoor Learning Activities | FamlyOur topic this term has been the weather and we have been looking at how weather is made. We have discovered how rainbows appear and also looked at the Water Cycle to find out how rain is made. Have a look at our class windows to see mini Water Cycles in action. For drama, we became meteorologists! We have also been experimenting with sounds and rhythm in music, linking them to the weather. We know about some famous artists and have been looking at their weather paintings. 

Free Weather Clip Art Pictures - Clipartix