English and Literacy

Kirkcaldy High School

National 4 English

This course offers learners opportunities to develop and extend a wide range of skills.

In particular, the Course aims to enable learners to develop the ability to:
  • Listen, talk, read and write, as appropriate to purpose, audience and context
  • Understand, analyse and evaluate texts, as appropriate to purpose and audience in the contexts of literature, language and media
  • Create and produce texts, as appropriate to purpose, audience and context
  • Plan and research, integrating and applying language skills as appropriate to purpose, audience and context
  • Apply knowledge of language

To study this subject, learners will have been working at Level 2 or 3 in S3.

Further Information:

SQA specifications for National 4 English

The National Parent Forum of Scotland – National 4 Summary

BBC Bitesize Learn and Revise – Nat 4 English




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