Connecting with Culture & Heritage (Local to Global)

Sustainable Development Goals - Wikipedia

The projects and resources below could all be used to teach Learning for Sustainability (LfS) in a Science Technology, Engineering and Maths (STEM) context.  You may already know of these or participate in these projects.  The idea of this resource is to highlight the opportunities offered by these projects to cover curricular Es and Os and LfS entitlements in a well resourced and engaging way.  Click on the tiles below to explore your options.


The Charlotte Dundas Heritage Trail

Find all the details of the trail on the website here.

The Engine Shed, Stirling

What is the Engine Shed?

Climate Change and Scotland’s History

Find more resources on the Engine Shed’s Website here.

Great Place Falkirk

For more information on this project please click here.

Little Lighthouse SCDI

This project ran in 16 of our Falkirk schools this year.  Larbert Village Primary were the winners of the competition this year have a look at their work from this year.

For more information on this project click here.

The Seagull Trust

For more information on this project please click here.

THI Architecture Falkirk

For more information on this project please click here.