STEM Planning

Here you will find key planning documents to support the learning and teaching of STEM in your setting.


Science Planning Resource

This resource supports planning for science around the experiences and outcomes from early to second level. These activities and approaches should be viewed as useful starting points and suggestions and they are in no way prescriptive. This video gives an overview of the resource.

Schools and centres are encouraged to bundle Experiences and Outcomes (EOs) together when planning learning and teaching. These planning resources are aligned to individual E&Os. This approach was taken to provide maximum flexibility to establishments to allow them to bundle E&Os in a way most appropriate to them.

You can find the resources here.



Falkirk Progression Pathways – Technology

Early level

First level

Second level

Technology Planning Resource

This resource supports planning for technologies around the Experiences and Outcomes from Early to Second Level. These activities and approaches should be viewed as useful starting points and suggestions and they are in no way prescriptive.

You can access the resource here.



Falkirk Progression Pathways – Maths

Early Level

First Level

Second Level

Third Level