Category: Class work

Whitecross PS P5/6/7 Fight plastic pollution.

Welcome to our blog post by p5/6/7 at Whitecross Primary school. We want to tell you about how we have been fighting plastic pollution down at our burn. Please click this link to view the first part of our presentation and this link to see the second part. Here are some of our thoughts:

Ruby “I really enjoyed this topic because there was fun activities to do such as: litter picking and a class protest”

Sophie “I really enjoyed doing this and loved doing the presentation”

Kylan “My favourite part about this was the litter pick and releasing the fish and picking up the litter.”

Lily –  “I liked doing the presentation like Sophie everyone had good ideas and it was one of the times we were all working as a class and I really liked the litter pick.”

Grace “I really enjoyed doing the presentation with my classmates and I also enjoyed litter picking.”

Here’s what we learned from our work:

New French words.

That the plastic pollution in our burn could end up in the ocean.

How to stop plastic pollution.