Our Children First – Falkirk Council Children’s Services
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Falkirk Early Learning Aims
In Falkirk, we aim for all children in our early learning and childcare settings to have motivating, challenging and rich learning experiences that absorb and engage them. We want children to make the progress of which they are capable and to be at all times ambitious in their learning. We want children to develop the vital language and learning skills for learning so that are able to benefit fully from the opportunities that surround them. Most of all, we want children’s successes and achievements to be improved and enhanced by the work that we do.
Other Useful Sources of information for Falkirk Council ELC staff.
Early Years section of the Falkirk Council Raising Attainment Hub – using your Glow login, here you can access resources and information relating to Falkirk Council early learning events including remote CLPL courses, handouts and training materials from previous CLPL events and minutes and handouts from Early Learning Leaders Forums.
By joining the Falkirk Council EY Sharing Group on Facebook, Falkirk practitioners and other invited ELC professionals can share information and good practice and ask colleagues for ideas.