This is a consultation on new ways of working with the Educational Psychology Service of Falkirk Council. The intended audience is managers of services and schools in Falkirk. The Service Evaluation data has provided some evidence that the innovations trialled between January 2018 and June 2018 were effective, particularly with Telephone Consultation and Team Around the Child level work. There was some feedback that the approach at Cluster Consultation was not seen as favourably, even by those that had tried this.
This consultation asks your opinion on 5 approaches that meet the original aims:
- To provide a collaborative method for prioritising the activity of the Educational Psychology Service
- To collaboratively develop knowledge and local action on the key capacity building areas
There is additional information on the rationale and the proposed options in the Briefing Paper.
Briefing for the Consultation on EPS delivery modernisation
By you providing a response to this survey you are indicating your consent to participate. The data you provide is anonymous and will be kept for no longer than is required and usually destroyed in 2 years.
The Survey is available here – or by scanning the QR code.