Tag: AI

Case Study: Curipod in the Classroom

This case study explores how Aileen Wallace has been exploring AI for education using Curipod in with her Modern Studies classes at Graeme High School. Aileen’s journey has been one from self confessed skeptic to Curipod Curiosity Champion –  you can read more about that journey in her case study for Curipod here.


“Normal teaching of the Nat 5 course would be a mix of “chalk’n’talk”, PowerPoint, Quizlet and Blooket as well as good old note taking and question answering. Both of my 2022-23 S3 classes were challenging and I had been experiencing behaviour issues since August. This was impacting learning. A variety of approaches been tried by both myself and my faculty head. There had been little impact on the class disruption and attitudes towards learning. Good students were not doing as well as they should have and were getting as fed up with the class environment as I was. Some students were nowhere near where they should be in assessments or basic understanding and were on course for doing Nat 4 only. I had been at a Falkirk Apple Regional Training Centre session led by Mr Llwellyn from Larbert High and he talked about some platforms that he used for teaching online and Curipod was mentioned.”

What did you do?

“I started to use Curipod in the S3 classes for exit tickets and brain breaks. The response from students was very positive. I decided to explore and add more and more elements of Curipod into my lessons. I am now at a point where about 80% of my lessons are done with Curipod decks. Students only need to scan a QR code to join the lesson and this they already know how to do. The interactive tasks are all designed to be very user friendly and students get to grips with them with little to no instruction from a teacher.”


Aileen uses Curipod in her lessons. Curipod is a browser based tool which allows students to join interactive lessons in real time. It has a wide range of features for both teachers and students.

What was the impact?

“I have noticed a huge improvement in engagement and behaviour. I very quickly saw an improvement in the quality of answers and in student confidence when attempting questions. This has continued into the 2023-24 academic year. BGE classes are on a rota and it can be tricky to settle some classes. I have found that a couple of weeks of getting used to using Curipod and the majority of students settle quicker at the start of class and maintain a better level of focus throughout the lesson. The range of generators and the adaptability of them makes them useful to any faculty in the school. English are already experimenting with the generated feedback and seeing positive results.”

Pupil Voice

“It makes learning more fun and useful like if the AI was to give us feedback it would give us it back in 30 seconds but if a teacher was to give feedback it would be 2 to 3 weeks (no offence teachers)!”

“It helps the lessons move a lot faster so we’re able to get more done in shorter periods of time.”

“It’s good having that drawing brain break because it refreshes your mind for upcoming questions.”

You can find out more about what students think by exploring Aileen’s ‘What do student’s think about Curipod?’ Canva or watching her presentation from Curicon which can be found below.

Where next?

“I have started to try to introduce Curipod to colleagues. As I said, almost all of my lessons are now done with Curipod and if I am updating old ones I do it by ‘curifying’ them on the platform and adding in the new information. Decks can be shared with students via a link or you can now download them as PDFs which I have found useful for providing revision materials. The limit is really your own imagination.”