Digital Learning: Key Documents

Looking for key documentation related to digital learning? We have gathered them here for you for quick access. Read in preview, click the three dots to download or click ‘Read Online’ to view in your browser.


National Documentation

Enhancing Learning and Teaching Through the use of Digital Technology: A Digital Learning and Teaching Strategy for Scotland (Scottish Government, 2016)

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Enhancing Learning and Teaching Through the use of Digital Technology: A Digital Learning and Teaching Strategy for Scotland – EXECUTIVE SUMMARY (Scottish Government, 2016)

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Teacher Digital Skills Toolkit (2023)

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Features of Highly Effective Digital Learning, Teaching and Assessment in Schools (Education Scotland, 2022)

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What Digital Learning Might Look Like (Education Scotland, 2020)

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Education Scotland: Digital Strategy (Education Scotland, 2019)

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Cyber Resilience and Internet Safety Toolkit


Local Documentation


Service Circular 50: Keeping Personal Data Safe Online

Service Circular 30: Pupil ICT Acceptable Use Policy

Connected Falkirk Documentation

Connected Falkirk Quick Guide

Outlook on Connected Falkirk Device

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