Transported Back in Time!

Primary 7V were transported back to 1941 when we visited Callendar House this week. We were divided into 2 groups. One group was evacuated, the other group examined real artifacts from WW2. We changed places so that we could experience both activities.

We learned such a lot, and we’d like to say a big thank you to the three ladies who made our visit so worthwhile.

One group was evacuated … it was quite an experience. The three videos below capture the tense atmosphere!

First of all we had to register and collect our Ration Books and Identity Cards.


Next, we had to listen carefully as we were issued with our Gas Mask instructions.


Finally, we arrived at our destination.


Meanwhile, the other group examined artifacts from World War 2. This group had to wear gloves to help preserve the items. Everyone gave a short presentation about what they had discovered. The animoto video below captures some of the moments.

[kml_flashembed movie="" width="432" height="250" wmode="transparent" /]

4 thoughts on “Transported Back in Time!”

  1. Thanks, Anna!

    I know what you mean… maybe we could write to them and tell them?

    The visit was super – and great value when you realise that it all cost nothing (apart from the £3 bus fare!)

    I really enjoyed it – thank you, Callendar House 🙂

  2. Hi Mrs Vass,
    I really enjoyed that trip aswell i think it was great.It was really exciting when we got evacuated,that was the best part.It was also good fun when we went into that room and looked at all the old things from the war.Over all it was GREAT!

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