Mrs Paton's Leaving Party!

 We had an unusual day last Friday …. we planned a great surprise party to say goodbye to Mrs Paton. She didn’t suspect a thing! It didn’t seem like school at all because we were allowed to bring clothes to change in to and lots of people brought ‘goodies’ to share!

 It might have started off like a normal school day – but it ended up very differently! 


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6 thoughts on “Mrs Paton's Leaving Party!”

  1. It sounds like you enjoyed your day. That is a fancy presentation of your photos. I am learning a lot from you people!

  2. Hi MrsV and Carronshore!
    Wow! I never knew you could actually change clothes at school!
    Did you eat anything special?
    Why is Mrs Parton leaving the school?
    Well before she does, please tell her that i say goodbye too and have a happy adventure at your other school!
    Bye! :mrgreen: 🙁 🙂

  3. hi im a year 6 girl from brisbane, austraila my class 6j is also doning the voices of the world project .I think that your blog is great and i would love it if we could keep in touch .


    please leav a comment on my blog


  4. Hello Mrs Campbell-Morgan! We did enjoy our day, but there wasn’t time to add the photos to the blog. I’m glad you like the fancy presentation ….. just hope it works at school 🙂

    Hi Nadine! Thanks for dropping by again (your questions are always great and I’ll try to answer them!).
    We don’t normally change clothes at school, but it was a special day. Mrs P had been in our class for 5 weeks because she’s training to be a teacher. We decided to surprise her with a party …. she had no idea! We sent 2 pupils off to distract her, and when everything was ready, we put the lights out in the classroom and all hid under the desks. We sent a message that everything was in place and it was safe to let her return. We all shouted, “Suprise!” when she came in to the room …. it was a great moment! Lots of us brought in food and juice. We played some games and danced to the music. We even managed to stop all the action in time to tidy up for ‘home time’!

    Hi Holly! It would be super if you could keep in touch … your blog looks really interesting. I love the idea of all the folios! Your class blog looks great, too, and I spent a long time reading all about the school of St Jude in Africa .. Superb!!

  5. Hi Miss Vass & Carronshore

    Was it really fun getting to change clothes at school?
    Did you’s get to it lots of stuff?
    Why is Miss Paton leaving?
    How do you feel about Miss Paton leaving?
    Bye 😎

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