Category: Curriculum Level

Sharing the learning with an online class discussion tool

Continuing Professional Development Session

A Continuing Professional Development session presented by Malcolm Wilson of the Curriculum Support Team with staff at Bowhouse Primary School in Grangemouth provided the opportunity for staff to further explore the use of a class discussion tool within their own class Glow page.

Class Example

An example was shared of the use by P7C where pupils had been set the task by the teacher to create their own versions of a poem inspired by The Selkirk Grace by Robert Burns. Pupils responded with their own creative and humorous verses updating the words of the bard for today.

Discussion Space for Class Sharing the Learning

Well done P7C, and a nice example of where the Glow discussion tool provided a facility for sharing work within the confines of that class so that peers and teacher could share in confidence with peers in their learning journey prior to sharing it more widely in public elsewhere.

Feedback from Participants

Comments from participants included:

“I’m going to use the ‘news’ and discussion’ tools with a class”

“I intend to continue to use Glow discussions as a way of gathering pupil work””