Malcolm Wilson, ICT Curriculum Development Officer in Falkirk Council Education Services Curriculum Support team, presented to the Falkirk Early Years Collaborative about ways to harness Twitter to support their work.
Throughout the country local Early Years Collaborative teams (which comprise a coalition of Community Planning Partners, including social services, health, education, police and third sector professionals working towards improving children’s start in life) have been encouraged to make use of Twitter as part of local input to the national campaign #BestPlaceToGrowUp. The Falkirk Early Years Collaborative now has a Twitter account.
Resources shared included those which showed how schools locally and elsewhere have been making use of Twitter for sharing the activities of the whole school, class, school-group or faculty. In addition there were resources shared supporting education staff in making use of Twitter to develop Professional Learning Networks.
Shared with members of the Falkirk Early Years Collaborative was the excellent “Twitter for Educators: A Beginner’s Guide” written by Amber Coggin with Alison Flowers and Deana Nunn. This is in the form of a very visual, graphically-engaging set of poster-like pages in booklet form, guiding teachers through getting started with Twitter.