Visit To Skinflats Woods Day 12- Bruce

On Friday Bothkennar went to Skinflats Woods. Some people brought their bikes and the rest walked.

When we all arrived at the woods, we got told we were going to build minibeast mansions. Mrs Lennie showed us a few pictures on her phone that some people had done. One was all different floors and the other one was just a pile of logs on top of each other so the minibeasts could go into the little holes. Mrs Lennie told us we couldn’t use glue or anything like that. All of it was to be from nature. My group was Kyle, Lauren, Macensey and Holly. Kyle was doing a great job collecting all the equipment that we needed. No one took charge and Kyle made little beds for the minibeasts. Holly and Macensey were putting the shelter together. Kyle went away to collect a few sticks for the shelter and I was inside the minibeast house but our house was so magnificent a mouse moved in! Mrs Sneddon was trying to take a picture but we never got it.

Mrs Lennie called us back to base. The walkers had to go to get back on time and the cyclists. When we were walking back, Miss McCarthy made us run for a count of ten. When we got back at school we had five minutes left, after two minutes the cyclists made it. So the walkers got to the woods and to the school faster than the cyclists did.

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