All nursery key workers are required to register with the Scottish Social Services Council. This regulatory body ensures that staff have appropriate qualifications for their role and continue to update their knowledge and skills. All staff are required to go through an enhanced Disclosure Scotland check or more recently through the ‘Protecting Vulnerable Groups Scheme’ (PVG)
Fiona Macleod
0-2 Room Nursery Key Workers:
Mary Flora Macleod
Kay Pidcock
Chrisma Macmillan
2-3 Room Nursery Key Workers:
Frances Morrison
Karen Wright
Kelly Anne Haubrick
Anna Macleod
Iona Macleod (Modern Apprentice)
Coleen Macleod (Modern Apprentice)
Planning Days Nursery Key Workers:
Anne Morrison
Margaret A Macleod
We operate an open door policy and parents are welcome to call in any time. There may be occasions when we are unable to speak to you immediately. Should this occur, we would encourage you to either wait until we are free or schedule a mutually agreeable time.