On Saturday the 18th of May, Robbie went to Orkney as part of the u12 Lewis and Harris select team to compete in the North Counties u12 competition. They played 7 games, won the first 5, lost the 6th, drew the 7th and finished in 2nd place. Well done Robbie!
Category Archives: GM 5-7
Highland Dancing
On the 2nd of March Erin was at a Highland Dancing competition. She competed in the Lilt and the Flora she won first prize in the Flora she won second prize in the Lilt and in the overall competition she won first prize. Well done Erin!
Co-fharpais Latha Mor na Leabhraichean
Bha aig clas 5-7 ri paipear-naidheachd a sgrìobhadh mu dheidhinn muncaidh draoidheil. Cha do bhuannaich duine bhon sgoil a’ chiad duais ach fhuair Robbie, Lois, agus Amy air a ghèarr-liosta airson an duais. ‘S math a rinn iad!
Gymnast of the Week
This week Eilidh won gymnast of the week at her gymnastic club. Well done.
Gymnast of the Week
2 weeks ago Mairi Anna won gymnast of the week at her gymnastic club. Well done.
On the 23rd of February Robbie entered the Western Isles badminton competition he played singles and doubles. In the singles primary 4-7 Robbie came third place out of 8 people winning 5 of his 7 games. In the doubles Robbie joined up with Charlie Shirkie from Stornoway Primary. There were three teams and Robbie and Charlie won all their games and got into the final and won 21-12.
Macmillan Coffee Morning
We held a Macmillan Coffee morning in the school on Thursday 27th September. Last week a lady came over to the school to thank us. We raised £451.93 altogether. Thanks to everyone that came to support this event and to those that donated baking.
Tesco Bank Summer Reading Challenge
Fhuair Ailean agus Kady teisteanas airson pairt a ghabhail anns an Tesco Bank Summer Reading Challenge aig an leabharlann. Bha aca ri 6 leabhraichean a leughadh thairis air na laithean-saora. ‘S math a rinn sibh!
Air an 29mh latha den t-Sultain rinn Robbie Mackenzie duathlon. Bha feum aig Robbie ruith 1.1K an uair sin a dhol air am baidhsagal aige airson 6K, an uair sin a ruith a-rithist airson 600 meatairean. Rinn e seo ann an 30 mionaid agus chriochnaich e anns an treas aite! Rinn thu ma dha rireabh!
West side 5k
Air an 22mh latha den t- Sultain ruith Katie Mackenzie 5K ann an 36 mionaidean. ‘S math a rinn thu Katie!