We have added our planning sheet for this term to each blog. If you have any suggestions, please feel free to comment on the blog or send an email to breascleteschool@gnes.net. We have also added a paper copy of each planning sheet to the noticeboard in the hall.
This year some of our pupils entered the Scottish Engineering Leaders Award. Congratulations to Sandy Widdop (P6), Rose Marie Murray (P4) and Christopher Bowerman (P3), their invention designs were shortlisted and went on public display at Barony Hall in Glasgow.
Christopher’s drawing of his “Protection Drone” invention on display in Glasgow . A drone that keeps away burglars and sounds an alarm if intruders are near.
The Primary Engineer Leaders Awards and the Scottish Engineering Leaders Award asks children, pupils and students…
Designed and managed by Primary Engineer Programmes to provide an opportunity for children and pupils to interview engineers about their career paths and motivation, it has evolved into a creative problem solving, literacy and entrepreneurial project which annually involves over 23,800 pupils.
As pupil’s interview engineers and research engineering in general they are encouraged to look at the world around them to find problems an engineered solution could solve. Alongside their annotated drawings an accompanying letter is required to persuade engineers to choose their design to build. Links to The University of Strathclyde, The University of Southampton, Manchester Metropolitan University and UCL annually see these pupil’s dreams realised.
Every entry is graded by engineers and educationalists, all entries receive named certificates, shortlisted entries form part of regional public exhibitions and winners are presented Trophies.
Bhuannaich class 1-4 Farpais Matamatic Sumdog Na h-eileanan an Iar. Chluich 271 clann anns na h-eileanan agus bhuannaich sinn (class 1-4) le 684 puingean. Bha class 5-7 anns an dàrna àite. Fhuair Kady scòr as fheàrr san chlas. Seo ar beachdan mu dheidhinn Sum Dog.
Tha Sumdog a`còrdadh rium airson tha Tower Climber, Endangered agus Bubble Gum gu math sporsail. – Ailean
Tha Sumdog acordadh rium airson tha matamataigs uabhasach math agus tha tòrr diofar geamaichans urrainn dhut cliuch. `S e Kiteboarding agus Pop Tunes na geamaichean as fheàrr leam. – Zoe
Is toil leam Sumdog airson tha geamaichean math air mar Holly.- Alyssa
Is toigh leum Sumdog airson s e doigh eile adèanamh matamataig againn agus s urrainn dhuinn acluich geama sam bith. `S e Bubble an geama as fhearr leam agus Kite Boarding. – Katie
Tha Sumdog math. Tha geama Dress Down a`còrdadh rium. Ellie-Louise
Tha Sumdog math. Tha Dress Down an geama as fheàrr leam. – Anne Marie
S caomh leum Sumdog airsons urrainn dhomh acluich le mo chaireadan . Cuideachds caomh leam Disguise airson bidh thu a`cuir aodach neònach air. – Kady
Tha Sumdog acòrdadh rium airson tha tòrr geamaichean ann. S e Kite Boarding am fear as `s fheàrr leam. Amy
Tha Sumdog math. Tha Kite Boarding agus Pop Tune na geamaichean as fheàrr leam.- Rose Marie
Tha Sumdog a`còrdadh rium airson tha Disguise math. Tha Bubble Gum, Dress Down, Holly agus Creeper math cuideachd – Cailean
Tha Sumdog acòrdadh rium airson tha geamaichean math ann mar Jet Ski Rescue agus tha matamatic uabhasach math. Tha e math nuair a tha thu agabhail pàirt ann am farpaisean cuideachd. – Erin
Tha sumdog math airson tha geamaichean mar Pop Tune agus Kite Boarding air.
Is toigh leum sumdog airson tha torr geamaichean air.