Deforestation – An Open Letter

Primary 3a have been finding out about deforestation.  We all decided as a class that we are against deforestation having looked at the pros and cons.  We then chose to write a persuasive letter to a large company who cuts down the rainforest for paper.

The Rowling and Wilson group wrote a letter together.  You can read our letter below.

Dear Sir/Madam,

We are writing to tell you that deforestation is disgraceful.  According to the United Nations Food and Agriculture Organisation, an estimated 18 million acres of forest are lost each year.  We think this is wrong for a variety of reasons.

Firstly, deforestation harms animals.  Up to 28 thousand species are to become extinct within the next 25 years because of deforestation.  Animals lose their habitats and become endangered.  Animals are not able to find their food so they start to get sick and die.  Animals like monkeys might get hurt because the trees are falling down.  Birds that are in the rainforest won’t be able to build their nests and lay eggs.  Fruit bats that live in the rainforest won’t be able to hang off the trees.  Tree frogs won’t be able to climb up trees. Surely you should notice that you are destroying animals’ habitats and letting them become extinct?

I believe that cutting down trees is wrong because you are destroying plants which give us medicine.  Destroying medicine means people who are sick won’t get better.  If you continue to destroy the rainforest you will make us lose 121 natural remedies which can be used for medicine.  In the future we won’t discover new medicine if deforestation continues.

Cutting down the rainforest makes us lose 20% of our oxygen.  20% of the world’s oxygen is produced in the Amazon.  Oxygen is what we need to keep us alive, so of course we believe that deforestation should be stopped.

I hope the person responsible will take all of these facts in and think carefully before you keep going and destroying the rainforest.  Thank you for reading our letter.

Yours faithfully,

Primary 3a