National 4 Biology

(SCQF Level 4)

The purpose of the National 4 Biology course is to develop learners’ interest and enthusiasm for biology in a range of contexts. The skills of scientific inquiry and investigation are developed, throughout the course, by investigating the applications of biology. This will enable learners to become scientifically literate citizens, able to review the science-based claims which they will meet.

The course covers major areas of biology ranging from cellular to whole organism and up to ecosystems. The key areas of biodiversity, interdependence, body systems and cells and inheritance are developed through the course.

This internally assessed course covers three units of work:

Cell Biology. The key areas covered are: cell division and its role in growth and repair, DNA, genes and chromosomes, therapeutic use of cells, properties of enzymes and use in industries, properties of microorganisms and use in industries, photosynthesis — limiting factors, factors affecting respiration, and controversial biological procedures.

Multicellular Organisms. The key areas covered are: sexual and asexual reproduction and their importance for survival of species, propagating and growing plants, commercial use of plants, genetic information, growth and development of different organisms, and biological actions in response to internal and external changes to maintain stable body conditions.

Life on Earth. The key areas covered are how animal and plants species depend on each other, impact of population growth and natural hazards on biodiversity, nitrogen cycle, fertiliser design and environmental impact of fertilisers, adaptations for survival, and learned behaviour in response to stimuli linked to species survival