Advanced Higher Biology

(SCQF Level 7)

The Advanced Higher Biology course is based on the integrative ideas and unifying principles of modern biological science. It covers key aspects of life science at the molecular scale and extends to aspects of the biology of whole organisms that are among the major driving forces of evolution.

The course aims to develop a sound theoretical understanding and practical experience of experimental investigative work in biological science. It further develops candidates’ abilities to think analytically, creatively and independently, and to make reasoned evaluations. Learners can develop their communication, collaborative working and leadership skills, and can apply critical thinking in new and unfamiliar contexts to solve problems.

The course is suitable for learners who are secure in their attainment of Higher Biology. It is designed for candidates who can respond to a level of challenge, especially those considering further study or a career in biology and related disciplines. The course emphasises practical and experiential learning opportunities, with a strong skills based approach to learning.

Advanced Higher Biology covers the following three units of work:

Cells and proteins. The key areas covered are: laboratory techniques for biologists; proteins; membrane proteins; communication and signalling; protein control of cell division.

Organisms and evolution. The key areas covered are: field techniques for biologists; evolution; variation and sexual reproduction; sex and behaviour; parasitism.

Investigative biology. The key areas covered are: scientific principles and process; experimentation; reporting and critical evaluation of biological research.

The Advanced Higher biology course is assessed by a written paper set and marked by the SQA.