Introduction to RMPS
- What is Morality?
- Does God exist?
- Does religion make a positive contribution to society?
- How did the universe begin?
- What makes a person good?
- What’s the meaning of life?
- Who are you? Are you the same person you were 5 minutes ago?
- Can computers think?
- Are you free or is there a plan?
- Can you know anything for sure?
- Are humans speciesist?
- Is it right to lie?
- Can miracles happen?
- What makes a good person?
Animals and Food
- Is it right to eat meat?
- Should we test cosmetics and pharmaceuticals on animals?
- Does a farmer have a duty to care for animals and the land?
- Should hunting be allowed?
- How should we kill an animal?
- Is vegetarianism or veganism a better way to live?
Life After Death
- What happens when we die?
- How do we explain Near Death Experiences?
- How have different cultures described the afterlife?
- What would you want to be reincarnated as?
- Would you want to freeze yourself?
- Would your deeds get you into Valhalla?