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Higher RMPS Samye Ling Trip 2016

any, many thanks to our guide Peter Budd who hosted our class again at Samye Ling. Pupils, to gain a deeper understanding of how Buddhists live, visited the temple for the day.

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The temple is hidden in the hills of Dumfries. The weather was perfect for the trip.

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Peter explained the history of the temple as well as key Buddhist beliefs. The class then removed their shoes, as a mark of respect, and entered the temple. Inside Peter showed us how Buddhists show reverence to the Buddha and how this differs from western religions.

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We had the honour of meeting Tibetan meditation master Drupon Rinpoche who was visiting the temple. Lewis Easton (S5) presented a Khata scarf on behalf of the class and the school.

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We then had an opportunity to see monks and nuns in worship.

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Peter then gave each pupil a ribbon to tie on the wish tree. Brilliant day all round. Can’t thank Peter enough for his kind and thoughtful tour of the temple.