Why Study RMPS?

RMPS allows you to develop your thinking ability in order to engage, in a meaningful way, with the wider-world.  The world has become a complicated place to be; we face a variety of challenges every day and we should be equipped to engage with the issues. We have, quite proudly, described ourselves as a thought based subject.  Our aim is to develop independent thinking skills in a relevant, interesting, and challenging way.

We have, for a number of years, offered a variety of courses in S5 and S6 so that pupils can choose to continue to build on the skills they have developed in RMPS whilst still maintaining the same ethos that, we hope, made their experiences in S1-S4 enjoyable. We offer Higher RMPS that pupils can choose in S5 or S6, as well as Advanced Higher RMPS that pupils who have sat Higher RMPS in S5 can choose to continue their studies with us in S6.  We also offer Higher Philosophy to S6 that allows our pupils to engage not only with the big questions that lurk in the background of our minds but also to engage with themselves and their own beliefs about logic, morality, and knowledge.

The next question is of course why, and to what end? The assumption is that a qualification leads naturally on to a career in that field.  It can, but it doesn’t have to.  Employers, universities, and colleges instead look at the skills the person has gained on that course and how it helps them to engage with their chosen path.  We are a popular department however very few of our pupils then go on to study theology or philosophy at university.  Instead we are proud of the experience our pupils have and how it helps them develop towards their chosen career.


This is the skills framework that we have developed and use from S1 to S6. We basically take in information through reading, listening, and taking notes (which granted is a skill in itself).  From there your mind needs to (or should) do something with that information.  You can ask questions, form your own views on it, evaluate it, apply it, or speculate.  This, so far, is all inside your head and quite often in short period of time.  You then need to get it out by either talking to the class, or someone beside you, taking part in a discussion, or writing down your idea.  We have developed this skills framework to move away from other taxonomies and to give pupils a genuine and meaningful experience in RMPS and a transparent roadmap on how we can all improve our thinking.

If University is where you’re heading then things you might want to consider are: how good is the course? What’s my chances of getting a job? How much could I earn? RMPS and Philosophy score well across UK universities in these areas, more notably in student satisfaction surveys – they like our type of courses.

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You might also want to consider what type of jobs RMPS and Philosophy can lead on to. RMPS and Philosophy both develop thinking skills that are attractive to employers.

We’re often asked if Higher RMPS or Philosophy is accepted by universities or is it seen as a ‘soft’ higher. Simply, yes it is accepted and no it is not seen as a ‘soft’ Higher.  During focus groups our pupils often remark that it is equally demanding as other Highers but our approach and departmental ethos is unique.  Both Glasgow and Strathclyde Universities note RMPS and Philosophy as one of the possible Highers you can apply with.  Again, the important message from this is that it is the skills you develop on the course that helps you critically engage with what you learn in a meaningful way.

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That said we want to emphasise that the focus for us is not where you’re going once you leave school.  We of course will get to know this and like to hear it; however, we focus on your experience in our classrooms and how these experiences develop you as a whole person.  We are a very open department and pupils find us all approachable. If you, or those at home, have any questions about the Higher courses then please ask any of us and we’ll walk you through what we do.

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