After digging up the potatoes from our nursery garden recently, the children were interested to touch, smell and dissect other kinds of vegetables and fruit, and we talked about where they grow and what they are used for.
“It’s a potato!”
“That’s a sweet potato… It’s orange inside.”
“They grow on a plant…”
“Under the ground.”
“Apples on a tree.”
We also spotted some ripe plums growing on a tree in our new nursery garden.
The children suggested shaking the tree to get the plums at the very top…. and it worked!

We then dissected the fruit and veg to investigate inside, and smelt the lemons, oranges and onions. The plums tasted great!
“That’s a seed inside.”
“It has a stone (plum)”.
Later some children made fantastic fruit/veg people and creatures, using old fruit, potatoes, cocktail sticks, pens, buttons, felt, pipe cleaners and wool. They showed great concentration and fine motor skills whilst creating their own characters, and gave them names.
“He’s called Stumpy. Can I take him home? I put eyes and a face on.”
”Look, I’ve made a spider.”
“This is Lemon Shark!”