There has been much excitement among all the nursery groups over looking at various live insects and mini-beasts these past weeks. The children have shown a huge interest in learning about them and caring for them:
– On trips to Busby church gardens we have found wood lice, worms, millipedes, slugs and beetles under damp logs and studied them with magnifiers. We looked up more about them in books too.

– In our nursery garden the children have prepared their Bug Hotel and have been excited to observe a few visitors, like spiders.

Spider books and spider crafts: “What’s this one called?”
– The children have also been studying four snails in the outdoor classroom. We found that snails love to eat basil and that they each have four antennae, two for seeing, and two for smelling and feeling.

The children were fascinated to watch the snails come out of their shells and observe how they move and eat, and the trails they leave. They gave the snails names too.
“This one is called Rainbow Drop.”
“This is Daisy.”
“Let’s feed them. They like to eat this”
“Look, they’re kissing!”
“They have slime under them.”

– And we have also all been following the journey of our nursery caterpillars with great excitement:

The children watched them journey through their life cycle, turning from caterpillars to chrysalides and then last week to beautiful tortoiseshell butterflies.

They were so excited to release our butterflies into the wild. Suggestions for names of the butterflies were also very interesting. Toby, Neeva and Pixie were a few of the favourites.
It’s been so good to watch the children loving and appreciating nature.