Category Archives: Fine motor skills

Threading Technique

Today we have been dipping in and out of threading. It’s amazing what resources you will already have in your house. We used spaghetti held up by blue tac with cheerios and cut up straws, different sized curtain hoops and chiffon scarves, a colander to thread spaghetti through, pasta and string, a bridge from a train set and ribbons, a chain strap on a handbag and the rubber anti slip mat from under a rug with shoe laces. Do you have anything different in your house you can thread with? How about spare buttons and thread for an extra challenge of threading? I have attached a link that explains in more depth all the benefits of threading (specifically beads but any threading counts ) for all ages, so everybody in the house can get involved.

Jigsaw Creations

Today Erin and I have been busy using our problem solving skills to make our own jigsaws. I thought with the recycling bins not being able to be emptied at the moment it would be a good way to do our bit to help recycle. We used photos we had lying about, birthday cards people have sent us, leaflets that have come through the door, brochures and magazines. With adult supervision children could try cutting out shapes by themselves to practise their cutting. Why not even try making a collage or transient art from pieces you cut out?

The Year of the Rat

We have been celebrating and learning about Chinese New Year in lots of different ways:
Acting out the story of the Great Race;
Taking part in a Chinese Dragon Parade;
Tasting noodles, stir-fried vegetables & prawn crackers;
Making paper dragons, lanterns, dragon frieze and lucky red envelopes;
Hearing all about Chinese New Year from Ivy’s Mum

Gong Xi Fa Cai !

Colourful Rice: pouring, measuring, sensory & imaginary & play
Team effort: many hands worked hard on our Chinese dragon frieze – drawing, printing, cutting, sticking, colouring


Dragon Parade

A feast of Chinese foods
The Animal Swimming Race Story 

Celebrating Scottish Culture

During Scottish Literacy & Burns week, we have been busy in the nursery exploring different aspects of Scottish culture:
We are learning about Robert Burns and his life;
We’ve been dancing to Scottish music in gym and the playrooms;
We are cooking and sampling porridge, haggis, neeps and other Scottish foods.
The children have loved learning to sing “Three Craws sat upon a Wall”, making their own crow masks and spotting “craws” on the school roof.

Our wee ceilidh

One craw
Porridge with a choice of jam, honey, bananas and blueberries

Making tartan designs

Yum! Oats make us strong.

Celebrating Creativity and Imaginative Storytelling

Creating landscapes and stories! Knock it down and build it back up again…

Fine motor skills and fun!

Storytime with Mrs Branco during Book Week Scotland
Floating and sinking… scientific investigations…

What could do to make it a fair test?

                         Colours of Autumn
Weaving materials ….pattern and fine motor skills

Shape, colour and using materials to create art

Making bags with a range of materials to practise our weaving skills.

Look what I have made!

Focus, concentration and creativity.