Spicing it Up

This week the children spent a long time experimenting in our
Spices Kitchen – smelling, mixing, pouring and describing as they made some very interesting potions, recipes and concoctions…

Some comments from our Young Cooks & Scientists:
“We’re mixing a new potion. Come on, let’s see what colour it makes. Potion No.1 & Potion No.2…”
“What happens when you put this in?… It’s turning yellow… now it’s turned orange.”
“How about this? This is going to be the spiciest one ever!”
“Smell ours, it’s the tastiest.”
“Now we’ve made soup…. and spicy potatoes. They smell yummy!”
“Smell the rosemary. I like that.”
“Look at our porridge. Let’s smell it. I like to put cinnamon in my porridge.”
“They turn squooshy in the water (oats)…
not crunchy.”

If anyone in the family has old/out-of-date spices not needed, please feel free to donate them for further experiments!

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