Money Role Play Shopping Game!
The pink and yellow group have been learning about money the past few weeks. The children decided that they wanted to play a shopping game where they have to buy certain objects in the nursery with the different coins and pennies. The pink and yellow group were very engaged in this activity and had lots of fun and improved their numeracy skills!
Some of the children helped to write the number signs for the objects such as ‘1p,2p,5p and 10p’
The children were able to find the correct penny and match it to the correct number sign to buy the object of their choice.
‘It’s this one!’
‘Let’s play the shopping game!’
‘No, not that one – it’s this one!’
‘That’s a 5 and so is that one!’
‘That’s a 2 and that’s a 2 so that means I can buy it!’
‘I need this penny to buy the book!’
‘The turtle is number 10, 10 pence!’