Are you sitting comfortably?
Would you like to hear a really good story?
Here are some wonderful books to choose from, read for you by
Mrs Branco, Mrs McCarron and Miss Lawson.
Just click on the green text links:
In My Heart, read by Mrs Branco
In My Heart is a beautiful book all about our feelings, and afterwards Mrs Branco shows how you can make your own heart design.
Mrs McCarron reads a story about Billy
Mrs McCarron reads a tale about a boy called Billy who has lots of worries… and suggests a fun craft you could try afterwards.
Miss Lawson reads You Can’t Take an Elephant on the Bus
Miss Lawson reads this fantastically funny rhyming story about animals getting into all the wrong places…
Miss Lawson reads 10 Little Pirates 
Read along with Miss Lawson – this little book is a such a fun way to practice numbers and rhymes.
Mrs Branco reads Norman
Norman is a slug who wants to be a snail – if only he could find the right shell…
Mrs Branco reads Incy Wincy Spider
Follow Incy Wincy as he is blown from animal to animal in this hilarious rhyming story.