All posts by Miss Emo

The Jolly January Blog


“In ICT we have been learning to make tables on the computers.  I can now make a table and a bar graph independently.  Some of us were teaching others in our class how to do it” – Rory.  “We have been learning how to send emails to our teacher.  We can now send emails independently” – Angus.   This term, we will also be exploring the use of search engines to research some Scottish inventors so that we can create a presentation on one.


Social Studies

“We have been learning about Scottish inventors.  The telephone, metal detector, toaster, bike, toilet and fridge are all Scottish inventions” – Anniyah.   “We can write facts about Scottish inventors.  I know that Alexander Graham Bell invented the telephone” – Scott.  “We have been learning about Scots language by reading the Glasgow Gruffalo and the Gruffalo in Scots” – Angus.  “We explored the different dialects” – Rahma.  “We created our own Gruffalos by using information from the text of Glasgow Gruffalo and the Gruffalo in Scots” – Cameron.    We will continue to explore  various inventors and inventions throughout the term to help us have a greater knowledge and understanding of Scottish history.



We have been using mind-set wheels to evaluate our learning.  “We have been learning to use our self-evaluators” – Rory.  “This helps us tell if we have had a growth mindset or not” – David.  “They help us see how much challenge and how much effort we have been putting in to our work” – Zoe.  “In P.E. we have been learning about Scottish dances.  I can now do a turn with a partner for the Canadian barn dance and the Gay Gordon’s”   – Dougie.  We have been exploring the different moves and even used these to help us create our own dance in groups.  This term we will be exploring courage.



“In Art we have been exploring different shades of colour” – Lakhveer.   “We have been learning how to create texture”  – Isla.  We have used this knowledge to create our very own full moons.  We will continue to explore the use of texture and colour in art this term to create different images.



“In Music we have been listening to Peter and the Wolf  identifying the instruments the characters are played by.  I know that Peter was played by the violin” – Cameron.  We will continue to explore the sounds of the various instruments in the orchestra and increase our knowledge on rhythm.



We will also be prasticing our ability to present to an audience using voice and body language when we present our findings on a Scottish Inventor and taking part in the Spring Service.



“We have been learning about Chinese New Year.  Like the story behind Chinese new year and how the animals had a race”  – Theo.  “We have also been learning about the traits of the animals and how people would take on those traits if they were born in the year of that animal” – Kallen.  “This year is the year of the dog” – Zoe.  “To celebrate Chinese New Year you get red envelopes with money inside” – Rahma.  This term we will also explore how different religions welcome a baby, in particular how Muslims welcome a baby.



“In Science we have been dissolving different materials in water” Livvie.   “We had a restaurant to find out if different foods would dissolve.  We discovered that salt dissolved in vinegar and oil” – Jessica.  This term we will also learn about the sun, moon and stars.  We have already been challenged with keeping a moon diary which we will use to explore and talk about the different phases of the moon.



“We have been learning the days of the week in French.  I know that Mardi means Tuesday” – Erin.


Awesome Achievers

Some of us have been improving our skills in swimming by learning to successfully float in the water. While others have been exploring their problem solving and building skills. One of us has been improving their cutting skills in the kitchen. Others have been practising their skills in sport through dribbling, catching, dancing, volleying and saving. One person even celebrated getting a trophy for kicks and punches in Karate.

P3B’s November and December Blog

P3B have been very busy this November with our class assembly and school Nativity.  Here are some of the things we have been learning in class this month.


P3B have been learning to use voice, volume, clarity and pace when taking on different roles in our assembly and Nativity.  “We have been learning lots of drama and how to express ourselves” (Kallen).  We learned to use expression and movement to convey our characters.  “I expressed myself by being loud and clear” (Zoe).  We have all experienced the energy and excitement of performing for an audience.  “We practiced a lot and we did not give up” (Jessica).



In Music we have been learning to keep a rhythm.  We demonstrated how well we can keep a rhythm at our class assembly by “Keeping the rhythm with the cups” (Livvie) along to our song.  “It was tricky but we did not give up” (Livvie).



In Science we have been learning more about the human body by exploring the function and position of the organs.  We created a scientific diagram of the human body.  “We used a text to help us find out information so that we could arrange the organs in the body” (Angus).



In Art we have been busy “creating posters and images to display at our assembly” (Rory).  We used lots of colour to make them stand out and worked well as a team to make a large poster to demonstrate the learning pit.



In RME “We have been learning about different religions” (Zoe), and “that we should respect other religions” (Isla).  We have been investigating and celebrating diversity.  Along with this we have been learning to accept people who are different and to show racism the red card.


Health and Wellbeing

In Health and Wellbeing “We have been learning about Growth Mindset” (Ruairdh).  We have been learning to challenge ourselves and not give up, having a positive attitude and a growth mindset.  “We have been learning about a fixed minset and a growth mindset” (Cameron). We explored the concept of the learning pit.  “To have a growth mindset we need to jump into the pit” (Dougie), “and challenge ourselves” (Scott).  When we jump into the pit it can sometimes be scary and feel difficult.  Sometimes we might feel like we want to give up.  But we have learned that if we keep trying hard, ask for help, persevere then we can do anything!


Awesome Achievers

P3B have been amazing with all their achievements this month.  Many of us have been thrilled with our performance in our class assembly and Nativity and our ability to be able to memorise our lines.  Some of us have been proud of excelling in our computer games.  One person celebrated being able to ride their bike without stabilisers.  Others have celebrated their successes in sport and music.  One of our class mates has even been learning to sew and created a beautiful outfit to wear for our festive day in school.  Keep it up P3B, having a growth mindset means you can achieve anything!

Our October Blog

Throughout the month of October we have been working very hard and exploring new things in Primary 3.



In Science we have been learning about the human body.  This month we have focused on the circulatory and nervous system.  We learned about the different components in the blood by making it.   We also explored our senses and how different stimuli are picked up by the body and messages are sent along the nervous system to signal a reaction.



Social Studies

We enjoyed our trip to Giffnock Library whereby we learned more about our local area by exploring some maps of Giffnock from the past.  We were able to use our map reading skills to identify different areas in Giffnock.  We also began our topic of “Plant to Plate” by exploring the journey of milk.  We developed a better understanding of how it is made, processed and sold in Scotland.




We have been using Sumdog to develop our skills in numeracy.  We have also been learning how to log on to GLOW and navigate to our class page.


Expressive Arts

In Music we have been learning to keep a steady beat.  We are now able to recognise and read a rest symbol and can incorporate this when practicing rhythm.  We have also continued to develop our knowledge of pitch through exploring different songs.   In Art we explored the use of different shades of colour by making a night sky for an image of a haunted house. We have also been developing our ability to use line and shape to draw a scientific image of a butterfly. We learned how to give constructive feedback to help our friends improve their work. We also demonstrated our ability to use colour and texture through outdoor learning by creating images of butterflies using things from the ground such as leaves and twigs.



In French we have continued to explore our knowledge of numbers through a variety of games and activities.



We have been learning the story of the Good Samaritan.  We have discussed the positive impact of doing something good for others and how we can be more like the Good Samaritan.


Our learning in these areas will draw upon the contexts listed above but will differ according to the needs of each class / group. Your support with consolidation of core learning through homework activities will be very beneficial to our children.

Article 29: You have the right to education which develops your personality, respect for other’s rights and the environment.



Awesome Achievers.

We have been celebrating our successes in sports.  Some of us have moved up a level in swimming while others have developed their skills in football.  Some peoples skills in dance, drama and gymnastics have been improving.  One of us have even learned how to do a front flip.  Others have been celebrating their achievements in music, video games, art and reading.

Super September Blog

So far in Primary 3 we have been learning lots of exciting things.  We started of the term by reading lots of Dr Seuss books which inspired us to create posters, poems, graphs and pictures.



We have been learning about the human body. So far we have focused on the skeleton and why we need it.  We can name some of the major bones in the body.  We have been reading non-fiction books about the human body to find out more useful facts.  We also learned about how germs are spread and “we made instructions about how to wash our hands correctly” (Scott).  We know that “we should always cover our mouth when we cough or sneeze” (Zoe) and “we should always was our hands afterwards” (Lexi).  We will continue to investigate the function and position of the skeleton and major organs and how to keep healthy.


Social Studies

In social studies we have been learning about our local landscape in Scotland.  We have investigated the differences between the landscape in the city compared to the countryside.  We explored our local landscape through outdoor learning by identifying different features in our local area.   “In social studies we have been learning about maps, what they are used for and what we can see on them” (Rory). We used this to help us identify different aspects of Scotland’s landscape by looking at a map.  We even made our own maps of the school and we labelled it with a key.


This term we will continue to investigate characteristics of our local environment to learn more about our area.  We also look forward to learning more about our topic “plant to plate” in which we will explore the variety of foods produced in Scotland.



“In ICT we have been practicing our maths skills on Sumdog” (Dougie).  “We have also been using 2Publish to create pictures and comics” (Archie).  We will continue to explore using technologies to enhance our learning.


Expressive Arts

In Music we have been learning about rhythm and how to keep a steady beat.  We have learned the beats “ta” and “te te”.  We have also learned to sing “so” and “mi” and can recognise these sounds in songs.  We will continue to develop our knowledge of rhythm during term 1.  In art we will develop our skills by using line, shape and colour to create images.  In drama we will use texts to explore character and setting by taking on different roles using voice, movement and expression.


Health and Wellbeing

In PE we have been building our fitness. We have been working on our listening skills, following instructions and improving our balance.  This term we will also develop our skills in rugby, basketball and dance.



In French this term we have been revising our knowledge of the French numbers.  Throughout the rest of the term we will be linking to our science topic and learning some body parts in French and will continue to develop our understanding of instructional language in French.


Our learning in these areas will draw upon the contexts listed above but will differ according to the needs of each class / group. Your support with consolidation of core learning through homework activities will be very beneficial to our children.

Article 29: You have the right to education which develops your personality, respect for other’s rights and the environment.