A spring in our step

March has been another very busy month in Primary 1. We have been thinking a lot about our rights and needs and we created a class charter. However we have been learning that there are children in the world whose rights are not being met. We have taken part in lots of activities this month to help raises awareness and money for others.
For Fairtrade Fortnight we brought in packaging and took part in the Big Breakfast. We had fairtrade pancakes, fairtrade banana smoothie and orange juice. We also ran a mile for Sports Relief. It was ‘exhausting, tiring and lots of fun.’
As part of ‘Water Week’ we had a visitor from Water Aid who told us about building wells in other countries. Also this week we visited Eastwood Park to see the signs of Spring. Rio spotted a bird’s nest and we counted, daffodils, crocuses and also spotted some birds.
spring 2

spring 1

spring 3