P3B’s November and December Blog

P3B have been very busy this November with our class assembly and school Nativity.  Here are some of the things we have been learning in class this month.


P3B have been learning to use voice, volume, clarity and pace when taking on different roles in our assembly and Nativity.  “We have been learning lots of drama and how to express ourselves” (Kallen).  We learned to use expression and movement to convey our characters.  “I expressed myself by being loud and clear” (Zoe).  We have all experienced the energy and excitement of performing for an audience.  “We practiced a lot and we did not give up” (Jessica).



In Music we have been learning to keep a rhythm.  We demonstrated how well we can keep a rhythm at our class assembly by “Keeping the rhythm with the cups” (Livvie) along to our song.  “It was tricky but we did not give up” (Livvie).



In Science we have been learning more about the human body by exploring the function and position of the organs.  We created a scientific diagram of the human body.  “We used a text to help us find out information so that we could arrange the organs in the body” (Angus).



In Art we have been busy “creating posters and images to display at our assembly” (Rory).  We used lots of colour to make them stand out and worked well as a team to make a large poster to demonstrate the learning pit.



In RME “We have been learning about different religions” (Zoe), and “that we should respect other religions” (Isla).  We have been investigating and celebrating diversity.  Along with this we have been learning to accept people who are different and to show racism the red card.


Health and Wellbeing

In Health and Wellbeing “We have been learning about Growth Mindset” (Ruairdh).  We have been learning to challenge ourselves and not give up, having a positive attitude and a growth mindset.  “We have been learning about a fixed minset and a growth mindset” (Cameron). We explored the concept of the learning pit.  “To have a growth mindset we need to jump into the pit” (Dougie), “and challenge ourselves” (Scott).  When we jump into the pit it can sometimes be scary and feel difficult.  Sometimes we might feel like we want to give up.  But we have learned that if we keep trying hard, ask for help, persevere then we can do anything!


Awesome Achievers

P3B have been amazing with all their achievements this month.  Many of us have been thrilled with our performance in our class assembly and Nativity and our ability to be able to memorise our lines.  Some of us have been proud of excelling in our computer games.  One person celebrated being able to ride their bike without stabilisers.  Others have celebrated their successes in sport and music.  One of our class mates has even been learning to sew and created a beautiful outfit to wear for our festive day in school.  Keep it up P3B, having a growth mindset means you can achieve anything!