Our October Blog

Throughout the month of October we have been working very hard and exploring new things in Primary 3.



In Science we have been learning about the human body.  This month we have focused on the circulatory and nervous system.  We learned about the different components in the blood by making it.   We also explored our senses and how different stimuli are picked up by the body and messages are sent along the nervous system to signal a reaction.



Social Studies

We enjoyed our trip to Giffnock Library whereby we learned more about our local area by exploring some maps of Giffnock from the past.  We were able to use our map reading skills to identify different areas in Giffnock.  We also began our topic of “Plant to Plate” by exploring the journey of milk.  We developed a better understanding of how it is made, processed and sold in Scotland.




We have been using Sumdog to develop our skills in numeracy.  We have also been learning how to log on to GLOW and navigate to our class page.


Expressive Arts

In Music we have been learning to keep a steady beat.  We are now able to recognise and read a rest symbol and can incorporate this when practicing rhythm.  We have also continued to develop our knowledge of pitch through exploring different songs.   In Art we explored the use of different shades of colour by making a night sky for an image of a haunted house. We have also been developing our ability to use line and shape to draw a scientific image of a butterfly. We learned how to give constructive feedback to help our friends improve their work. We also demonstrated our ability to use colour and texture through outdoor learning by creating images of butterflies using things from the ground such as leaves and twigs.



In French we have continued to explore our knowledge of numbers through a variety of games and activities.



We have been learning the story of the Good Samaritan.  We have discussed the positive impact of doing something good for others and how we can be more like the Good Samaritan.


Our learning in these areas will draw upon the contexts listed above but will differ according to the needs of each class / group. Your support with consolidation of core learning through homework activities will be very beneficial to our children.

Article 29: You have the right to education which develops your personality, respect for other’s rights and the environment.



Awesome Achievers.

We have been celebrating our successes in sports.  Some of us have moved up a level in swimming while others have developed their skills in football.  Some peoples skills in dance, drama and gymnastics have been improving.  One of us have even learned how to do a front flip.  Others have been celebrating their achievements in music, video games, art and reading.