Super September Blog

So far in Primary 3 we have been learning lots of exciting things.  We started of the term by reading lots of Dr Seuss books which inspired us to create posters, poems, graphs and pictures.



We have been learning about the human body. So far we have focused on the skeleton and why we need it.  We can name some of the major bones in the body.  We have been reading non-fiction books about the human body to find out more useful facts.  We also learned about how germs are spread and “we made instructions about how to wash our hands correctly” (Scott).  We know that “we should always cover our mouth when we cough or sneeze” (Zoe) and “we should always was our hands afterwards” (Lexi).  We will continue to investigate the function and position of the skeleton and major organs and how to keep healthy.


Social Studies

In social studies we have been learning about our local landscape in Scotland.  We have investigated the differences between the landscape in the city compared to the countryside.  We explored our local landscape through outdoor learning by identifying different features in our local area.   “In social studies we have been learning about maps, what they are used for and what we can see on them” (Rory). We used this to help us identify different aspects of Scotland’s landscape by looking at a map.  We even made our own maps of the school and we labelled it with a key.


This term we will continue to investigate characteristics of our local environment to learn more about our area.  We also look forward to learning more about our topic “plant to plate” in which we will explore the variety of foods produced in Scotland.



“In ICT we have been practicing our maths skills on Sumdog” (Dougie).  “We have also been using 2Publish to create pictures and comics” (Archie).  We will continue to explore using technologies to enhance our learning.


Expressive Arts

In Music we have been learning about rhythm and how to keep a steady beat.  We have learned the beats “ta” and “te te”.  We have also learned to sing “so” and “mi” and can recognise these sounds in songs.  We will continue to develop our knowledge of rhythm during term 1.  In art we will develop our skills by using line, shape and colour to create images.  In drama we will use texts to explore character and setting by taking on different roles using voice, movement and expression.


Health and Wellbeing

In PE we have been building our fitness. We have been working on our listening skills, following instructions and improving our balance.  This term we will also develop our skills in rugby, basketball and dance.



In French this term we have been revising our knowledge of the French numbers.  Throughout the rest of the term we will be linking to our science topic and learning some body parts in French and will continue to develop our understanding of instructional language in French.


Our learning in these areas will draw upon the contexts listed above but will differ according to the needs of each class / group. Your support with consolidation of core learning through homework activities will be very beneficial to our children.

Article 29: You have the right to education which develops your personality, respect for other’s rights and the environment.

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