Resilience and Prince and Princes Wales hospice partnership (PPWH)

The resilience group have partnered with the PPWH and pupils will be involved in a project to use the outdoor space and create a planted area for patients and families. The young person’s development officer, Janette McGarvey and senior counsellor, Marion Lang met with the  pupils today to discuss the project and answer questions.

Holly Scally and Hannah Deehan from the S6 pupil mental health committee presented Marion and Janette with a cheque with proceeds raised from the Greggs ‘time for treats and talk’ drop in.

Healthier Minds

East Renfrewshire Council have developed resources to be used in school and at home to support the Mental Wellbeing of young people.  The guide provides information and practical advice for parents and carers to support their child to manage life’s challenges. This includes information about how low mood, anxiety and stress can affect us, as well as how to develop resilience.  There is also information about relevant local services in East Renfrewshire.

Healthier Minds parents’ document final

Please also follow the links below for more information:

Healthier Minds Video:

Healthier Minds Website:

To assist in evaluating and improving the resource, ERC would appreciate if parents would take the time to complete the online questionnaire:

Leading Learning: Anxiety, Bullying

These videos have been produced by our young people studying drama on the themes of bullying and anxiety. Created with the support of Sean McLaughlin (FP) at Sidereel studios the script, acting and filming are the pupils’ work.

If you are feeling anxious please refer to the information provided on our Positive Mental Health website. You will find lots of information on how to cope with stress and what to do if you or someone you know is a victim of bullying behaviour.

In need of advice?

Coping With Stress.

Visit our positive mental health website.