Advice from Every-Life-Matters

Every-Life-Matters have identified a 5 step process to help you to help those who may be emotionally struggling. (

Be Aware – look for signs that your friend or colleague might not be coping and check in with them on a regular basis

Ask – while they might want to appear brave and don’t want to ‘bother’ other people – trust your instincts and ask them outright “How are you doing?” and don’t be fobbed off. Let them know you are concerned and that you care about them.

Listen – don’t just ask the question and then not listen to them – give them space to talk, really listen to what they are saying.

Build Support – help them to identify what kind of support they need. Work with them to identify their own support network of family and friends and help them develop a plan for what they can do next. Sometimes it’s feeling as if you’re not in control that can be overwhelming, helping your friend or colleague to develop a plan means they can feel in control again.

Check-in – keep in regular contact with them – let them know that you are there for them. It can make a big difference to a person if they know that someone has noticed they haven’t been themselves and cares enough to want to help.

Kindness is a remedy for anxiety; the moment we pay less attention to our problems and focus on doing good for others we enter a win- win situation. Being kind to someone might just open a door to a new friendship or develop a social connection. The effect a kind act might have may change your friend or colleague’s life for the better.  Yes – these are challenging times but the coronavirus has provided us with unexpected opportunities to demonstrate kindness and to take care of each other.  In some occasions some people may prefer to seek more professional support or call a helpline:-

Cruse Bereavement Support      0808 808 1677

Breathing Space                               0800 83 85 87

Samaritans                                         116 123




Important appeal – keep your eyes open

With the closure of schools and nurseries children and young people are being seen less and this means that we are not able to identify those who are, or are at risk of, being harmed/neglected as we normally would.

To do this we need your help. Have your eyes and ears open.

If you are worried about a child that you know, please call us confidentially on 0141 577 8300.

Whether you’re a parent, family member, neighbour or member of the community, if something doesn’t feel right, call and report it.

There has also been a rise in domestic violence over the last six weeks. Please also look out for friends, neighbours or family who you think might be suffering at the hands of a partner – whether it be physically or  emotionally.

Locally, more than 1000 women and children contact Women’s Aid East Renfrewshire for support every year.

 Women’s Aid East Renfrewshire can be contacted on 0141 404 0015 and the 24-hour national abuse helpline is 0800 027 1234.

Stay safe and thank you for keeping your eyes open.

Today’s tip – Pupil support

Despite not being in the school building, Pastoral and Deputes are always here to support pupils if they have any concerns, worries or questions. If pupils have any personal matters that they would like to discuss, please email the school with your contact number and we will get back to you as soon as we can. We understand that this can be a challenging time for everyone.