Special Day of Prayer and Fasting for Peace

Pope Francis has launched a special Day of Prayer and Fasting for Peace for war-torn nations, especially the Democratic Republic of Congo and for South Sudan that are suffering protracted conflict. He invites all men and women of goodwill to join in praying and fasting for peace on Friday 23rd February.



The Stations of the Cross

The Stations of the Cross have long been a feature of the Church’s devotional life, especially during the season of Lent. When used in the daily life of our school or use at home or in your local parish setting, these Stations may be a preparation for Holy Mass or may follow immediately afterwards. As always, they may also be used in private prayer.


Weekly Prayers

Monday 19th February

Jesus, each time I look at the sacred Host,

sanctify my eyes,

that they may close more and more

to all that is merely earthly.


Jesus, each time I look at the sacred Host,

send a ray of divine light into my soul,

that I may better know you and myself.


Jesus, each time I look at the sacred Host,

send a flame of divine love into my heart

to consume everything in it

that is displeasing to You

and to set it all on fire with Your love.


Now and in eternity

may my only desire be to contemplate

the infinite beauty of Your divine countenance

which delights the angels.


Our Father…

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A Prayer for Ash Wednesday

By Joseph Nassal, CPPS

Compassionate and Holy God,
stir the dust of our lives and help us remember who we are.
Scatter this dust upon the field of our fear
and give us the courage to yield to redemption.
Ignite the ashes of our burned-out dreams and kindle life.
As we carefully place these ashes in the urn of our heart,
we yearn for sparks of new life.

Loving God,
as we paint our faces with these ashes,
You call us to turn away from sin but not from death.
You tempt us to look the face of death in the eye
as we embrace and remember life.

Merciful God,
as we carry the ash tattoo of the cross upon our foreheads,
kindle within us memories of your mercy.
Give us the courage to turn away from sin and return to You,
and so find our way to one another.
It is in this turning that we find our truth.

