Aviation and Aerospace work experience
Interested in a career within the aviation and aerospace industry ?
Virtual Work Experience programme with the Civil Aviation Authority is available to apply for right now, and takes place on the 24th of July.
The programme takes a closer look at the CAA as an organisation, while also taking your students on a journey into the careers that they could go into within the aerospace industry. Whatever their interests or career ambitions, there’s a lot for students to discover here and get excited about.
The CAA are a public corporation, established by Parliament in 1972 as an independent specialist aviation regulator. They have a number of responsibilities including regulating UK airports, dealing with drone permissions and ensuring pilot medical standards are met.
The programme can be completed flexibly around students’ studies. Even just half an hour per day is enough to finish the programme.
And most importantly, it’s completely free for students to apply and complete.
Below is a shareable link to the programme. Please consider sharing this with your students, or alternatively forwarding this email to them so that they can access and apply to the programme before the application deadline closes.