Get into Medicine Conference – Application Process

As the UCAS deadline approaches in October and students have a lot to tackle in their applications, it is crucial for them to participate in the upcoming FREE and VIRTUAL Get into Medicine conference. Although there is still time to begin their application, understanding the application process is paramount.

Becoming a successful medical practitioner requires not only hard work but also strategic planning. Therefore, I urge all aspiring doctors in years S3-S5 to register for the conference as soon as possible using the link below.

The conference will be led by Dr. Laura and Dr. Hannah, who will guide students through the UCAS application process for medicine. They will cover topics such as personal statements, UCAT, interview skills, scholarships, and tips for making their medical application stand out.

Sunday 28th May (9:30am – 3:30pm)

Registration link:

Unfortunately, many perfectly capable students are dissuaded from applying to medicine by a complicated application process. We’re here to help all aspiring doctors achieve their dream. We’re with your students every step of the way.

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