Parent News 10.03.2023

Hello everyone

Comic Relief
Please see letter here regarding our Anything But a Bag Day on Friday, 17th March.

East Renfrewshire Culture and Leisure Holiday Camps
We’re running All Star Sports Camp, All Star Activity Camp, Play In A Week, World of Art Camp & intensive swimming lessons during the spring holidays.

Our All Star Sports Camp & All Star Activity Camp are led by our Active Schools & Sports Development Team and delivered by our fantastic team of coaches and tutors! Our Play In A Week & World of Art Camps are delivered by our expert arts and drama tutors! Finally, our intensive swimming lessons are ran by our highly skilled swimming instructors!

Our Spring, Summer & October Holiday Camps are on sale now, for more information and ways to book, please visit:

Easter Service
Mr Watson has been very busy preparing for our Netherlee Easter Service with our P6 choir and musicians from P5, 6 & 7. The service will take place on the morning of Thursday 30th March in Netherlee and Stamperland Parish Church. As you will be aware, this date has been scheduled as a potential strike day should the current pay offer not be agreed, however, we wanted to share arrangements for the service with you now.

As space is limited within the church, unfortunately, while we would love to have everyone that wants to attend the service, we will only be able to accommodate two family members from the children that are performing in the choir or are playing their instrument. Separate information has been sent to these families today, please only attend the service if you receive confirmation that your child will be performing. The service will be recorded and a link to the recording will be emailed out in the Friday Bundle on the 31st March. We hope that you are not too disappointed with these restrictions.

Family Focused Gold Award: Update
As you know, our school and nursery are hoping to achieve our Family Focused Gold Award on Friday 19th May.  This award shows that we include and support all of our families in the life of the school and nursery. The award also shows that we uphold the principles of Getting It Right for Every Child, otherwise known as GIRFEC.

The accreditation process involves working together with staff, pupils and parents to create a Charter for the school and nursery. We met with our ‘Everyone Matters’ parent group this week to discuss and create our 10 charter statements and evaluate our school and nursery practice. We will share the final version of both our School and Nursery charters once complete! Keep an eye out on our upcoming Friday Bundles for more updates.

Diversity Evening- A Date for your Diary
On Wednesday 29 March 2023, a culture evening will be held in our school atrium to celebrate and share all the different cultures within Netherlee Primary School and Nursery Class.

The PTA and school are inviting all families to share their cultural heritage through a range of ways such as:

  • Having a small display / exhibition on your country and culture (can include food tasting and demonstrations);
  • Showcasing traditional music;
  • Recital in other languages; or
  • Dancing

You may even have other creative ways to share your heritage with the Netherlee community, which you are welcome to do.

Of course, you can simply come along to enjoy the evening. There will be refreshments, entertainment, free workshops and activities to enjoy on the evening too!

If you or your family would like to host a display or showcase something, please contact Mrs Kelly Linn at or contact the PTA at

I hope you agree this will be a wonderful evening of celebrating our Netherlee Community. We look forward to seeing you there.

Primary 1a HealthiER Minds Lessons
Please see the attached information in relation to a new set of lessons which we have been asked to try with our pupils. They are on the Theme of Bereavement, Grief and Loss and have been designed by the HealthiER Minds team. The attached document will give you more information in relation to these lessons. If you have any questions regarding these lessons please just contact us on school mail or call the office.
Bereavement Loss and Grief Curricular Resource Information for Parents and Carers

P1 Diversity Month
As part of Diversity Month, one of our lovely dinner ladies has kindly agreed to come in to help the Primary 1 children make guacamole. This will be happening on Monday 20 March 2023.

The ingredients we will be using are:

  • Avocado
  • Lemon juice
  • Coriander
  • Tortilla wraps

Children can participate in making and tasting the guacamole.  We have taken into account any allergy information we hold for your child. Please let the office know if this information needs updated at all. We hope the children enjoy this experience as part of their learning in Diversity Month.

Primary 1 Cooking
As part of our Diversity Month, P1 will be making Arepas (from South America) in our school kitchen. This activity will be carried out on Tuesday 28th March.

The ingredients are as follows-

  • water
  • salt
  • pre-cooked white cornmeal
  • vegetable oil
  • cheddar cheese

Please advise us if there are any changes to the allergy information we hold for your child.

P1 and P2 Recycled Donations: Thank-you!
We just want to say a huge thank-you to those that have donated pre-loved items to our P1 and P2 Open Area. These resources have been used to replenish, support and enhance our play spaces for our children. We are just blown away by your generosity! We will be sure to post which pre-loved items we are in need of next in our Friday Bundle. Thank-you for your continued support.

Primary 3: Trip
An email has been sent to P3 parents/carers with details of the trip.

Primary 3: Instrumental Music Service Trials for instrumental music lessons for next year will be held before the summer. If your child would be interested in learning a musical instrument, please fill out the form provided. The form will also let you know which instruments are available within your school for their relevant year group.

P3 Recruitment e-form link:

Primary 4a HealthiER Minds Lessons
Please see the attached information in relation to a new set of lessons which we have been asked to try with our pupils. They are on the Theme of Bereavement, Grief and Loss and have been designed by the HealthiER Minds team. The attached document will give you more information in relation to these lessons.If you have any questions regarding these lessons please just contact us on school mail or call the office.
Bereavement Loss and Grief Curricular Resource Information for Parents and Carers

Primary 4: Instrumental Music Service
Trials for instrumental music lessons for next year will be held before the summer. If your child would be interested in learning a musical instrument, please fill out the form provided. The form will also let you know which instruments are available within your school for their relevant year group.

P4 ‘Come and Try’ Event application e-form link:

Primary 4: Diversity Month
As part of our Diversity Month, a parent has volunteered to come in to make traditional, open Polish sandwiches with the children in Primary 4. Children will be able to choose from the following ingredients:
Polish bread
cold meats

Our parent has also very kindly offered to bring in nut-free, Polish sweets for the children to try. We will take into account any allergy information we currently have on file for your child. Please let us know if this information needs updated and do get in touch if you have any further questions. I hope your child finds this to be a worthwhile and enjoyable experience.

Primary 5: Instrumental Music Service

Trials for instrumental music lessons for next year will be held before the summer. If your child would be interested in learning a musical instrument, please fill out the form provided. The form will also let you know which instruments are available within your school for their relevant year group.

P5 Recruitment e-form link:

Primary 6: Instrumental Music Service
Trials for instrumental music lessons for next year will be held before the summer. If your child would be interested in learning a musical instrument, please fill out the form provided. The form will also let you know which instruments are available within your school for their relevant year group.

P6 ‘Come and Try’ Event application e-form link:

P6d HealthiER Minds Lessons
Please see the attached information in relation to a new set of lessons which we have been asked to try with our pupils. They are on the Theme of Bereavement, Grief and Loss and have been designed by the HealthiER Minds team. The attached document will give you more information in relation to these lessons. If you have any questions regarding these lessons please just contact us on school mail or call the office.}
Bereavement Loss and Grief Curricular Resource Information for Parents and Carers

Have a lovely weekend.

Yvonne Donaldson
Head Teacher
Netherlee Primary School & Nursery Class

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