NNC Parents News 17.03.2023

Hello everyone,

Our Book Bug sessions were a great success this week! The children just loved listening to the rhymes and stories and joining in with the actions. Thank-you so much to our fantastic Book Bug leaders in the nursery, Joanne Greig and Lynne Morton. They did a wonderful job leading the sessions and making them fun and engaging for all the family. You can also check out local Book Bug sessions in East Renfrewshire libraries.

Working in Partnership with Families at Netherlee
At Netherlee, we value working in partnership with our parents and carers and welcome your feedback. Our recently updated Nursery Parental Involvement Policy, along with some others, can now be viewed on our nursery website. We would love to hear your feedback with regards to this policy in order to evaluate our practice. Please click here to submit your views. We kindly ask that responses are submitted by Friday 24th March 3pm.

Stay and Play

Please be reminded of our Stay and Play sessions next week. Sign-up sheets are still available so if you still require a slot, please let a member of staff know at the door when dropping off or collecting.

Parent and Carer Volunteers
Do you have a particular skill or interest? The children and staff would really love to learn from you!

We are welcoming parent and carers who would be willing to volunteer to come to the nursery to carry out an activity with our children based on particular skills or interests you might have, such as sewing, playing a musical instrument, dancing, gardening or woodwork.

Also, it is always interesting for the children to find out about professions such as any emergency or health care services so if you have a profession you think you could share with the children please do let us know. For example, this may include a visit from a dentist to talk to children about looking after their teeth.

If you are interested, please complete this form. In future, we will include this form on the last Friday of every month and add to our nursery website. Thank you!

Also, we are still looking for volunteers to enhance the children’s learning in traditional cultures, languages, traditions and religions from all over the world as part of Diversity Month. We would love to welcome volunteers into the nursery If you were born in another country, have lived, worked, volunteered or have family members who live in another country, we would love to hear from you! If you think this is something you could help with, please drop us an email on nurserymail@netherlee.e-renfrew.sch.uk or give Jennifer McCann (Principal Teacher) a call on 0141 570 7260 to discuss in more detail.

Special Books
We’re really looking forward to sending home your child’s Special Book next week, week beginning Monday 20th March.  Our Special Books are a fantastic way of sharing your child’s learning journey during their time at nursery. We hope you thoroughly enjoy looking at the book together.

Personal Care Plans
Each child has a ‘Personal Care Plan’ which focuses on the wellbeing indicators (Safe, Healthy, Achieving, Nurtured, Active, Respected, Responsible and Included) from Getting it Right for Every Child. Our Personal Care Plans allow parents to share information to identify next steps to support children’s learning and wellbeing within nursery or at home. These are sent home every six months. If you have recently received your child’s personal care plan to complete, please ensure these are returned to nursery as soon as possible- thank you.

Learning Links
Please click here to view this week’s learning links for Acorns and Saplings. This week’s song of the week is ‘Rain, Rain, Go Away’ which can be listened to and enjoyed by logging into your child’s Google Classroom: https://sts.platform.rmunify.com/Account/SignIn/glow

Recycled Donations
Thank you so much to everyone who has kindly donated items to our nursery so far. This week we would gratefully receive any items to support both our Cosy Corner areas and Literacy experiences from our wish list below. If you have, and are finished with, any of these types of items below, please hand in to either of the nursery buildings. Many, many thanks.

  • Empty cereal boxes
  • Children’s non-fiction, fact books
  • Cosy cushions
  • Rugs

Living Streets Active Travel Parent survey
On Monday 15th – Friday 19th May, we will be taking part in the ‘Walk to School Week’ led by Living Streets. We will share more information about planned activities nearer to the time. In the meantime, we would like to gather more information about how our children travel to and from school and nursery to support us with compiling our School and Nursery Travel Plan. We would greatly appreciate it if you could complete the parent survey below. This information will help us to encourage more of our children and families to walk to school and nursery and support our families to be active each day.  Thank you for your support.  https://forms.office.com/e/buxVJWa1H7

Have a lovely weekend.

Yvonne Donaldson (HT) and Jennifer McCann (PT)
Netherlee Primary School & Nursery Class

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